The mediterranean diet, a recipe for a long life

Le-regime-mediterraneen-augmente-la-fertilite_exact441x300Already widely praised and much recommended by public health bodies the Mediterranean diet has delivered up a series of new secrets to researchers at Harvard University after they put more than 4,700 women on this diet and studied the results. It would seem that Mediterranean cuisine helps protect our DNA from damage by slowing telomere shortening (telomeres being ‘buffers’ at the ends of chromosomes). In turn, this increases life expectancy as short telomeres are linked to shorter lifespans.

Certain benefits of this diet have been recognized and documented for over 20 years now, including its positive impact on chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular illnesses, However, recent findings by British researchers have also shown that it helps slow the effects of ageing by lowering oxidative and cellular inflammation. The very real benefits with regard to our health and our life expectancy were highlighted by Serge Hercberg, Professor of Nutrition and winner of the prix Danièle Hermann 2013, during a health documentary aired on the Télématin TV breakfast news show on 28th April 2015.

Made up of fish, vegetables, fruit, cereals, white meat and a generous dose of good-quality olive oil, this simple diet continues to amaze with its multiple health benefits. It’s never too late to turn to this colourful, vegetable and fruit-rich diet which brightens up our meal-times, protects our cells and is also good for the environment. Spanish researchers studying the Mediterranean diet have concluded that it helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions because of the high proportion of vegetables and fruit that it contains. Food production contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, which in turn raise global temperatures. In developed countries, the production of food causes between 15 and 28% of all greenhouse gas emissions.