The arterial pressure at the Institut Curie

imagesRegulation of arterial pressure
Meeting proposed by Catherine Llorens-Cortes

The meeting will take place at the Institut Curie in the amphitheatre of the Pôle Biologie
11, rue Pierre et Marie Curie – 75005 Paris
from 3 pm to 6 pm, free entry

Scientific Programme with guest lecturers 

– Pierre CORVOL, Collège de France
Nouveautés thérapeutiques dans le traitement de l’hypertension artérielle

– Michel AZIZI, Clinical investigation centre at the Hôpital Européen George Pompidou
New invasive treatments of resistant high blood pressure

– Xavier JENUNEMAITRE, Biological Genetics Hôpital Européen George Pompidou
Inattended regulation mechanisms of arterial blood pressure, revealed by studies on human genetics

– Catherine LLORENS-CORTES, CIRB Inserm U1050 Collège de France
Aminopeptidases A inhibitors as new potential treatment of arterial high blood pressure

– Discussions and Conclusions